Civil society express concern over the proposed compromised text to the EU Due Diligence Directive

Publicado el 23 de noviembre de 2022 12:23 por EU-LAT

In February 2022, the European Commission proposed a Directive on Corporate Sustainability and Due Diligence in order to minimize the negative impacts of EU trade agreements on human rights and sustainability around the world. However, on the 29th of July, a proposed compromised text to the Directive by the Czech Presidency of the Council of the EU was reported by POLITICO. In response, the EU-LAT Network, along with 35 other CSOs, express their deep concerns on this proposal that includes dangerous loopholes in the Directive and would hinder its intended purpose.

In a letter directed at the Permanent Representation of the Czech Republic to the European Union, civil society addresses several essential concerns. The statement questions the possibility for human rights and environmental violations to persist without mitigation by EU policy, as well as the concept of prioritization that would give companies the possibility to choose which impacts to prioritize and to be held accountable for. These new approaches would greatly undermine the impact of the Directive, and would entail the continuity of “business as usual”.

To ensure that the scope and impact of the Directive will not be reduced, human rights and environmental organizations call for a consultation with the Czech Presidency to work towards effective solutions in the letter below:

Read the letter here