Hight Priority Topics for Guaranteeing the Right to Defend Human Rights and Freedom of Expression.

Publicado el 8 de septiembre de 2022 13:19 por Espacio OSC

High Priority Topics for Guaranteeing the Right to Defend Human Rights and Freedom of Expression is an analysis document developed by organizations that are parts of Espacio_OSC as a result of the meeting with human rights defenders and journalists of Oaxaca and Mexico City. The objective of the meeting and the document, being this one the result of the former, is to encourage the generation of a comprehensive public politic of protection and defense.

Four strategic axes of the document are stated for the State to guarantee the right to defend human rights and the freedom of expression: prevention, protection, researching, repair, and guarantees of non-repetition, which are priority actions to transition to a new model of public politics.

Check the document here.